Fiecare zi e o comoara. Si pentru ca e atat de aproape de tine, nu o vezi. Noi stam pe comori si nici macar nu stim asta. Stii povestea batranului care a plecat in cautarea diamantelor ? Batranul era indragostit de diamante, erau niste pietre aparte, inestimabile, stralucitoare, dar si foarte rare. Dorinta de a colectiona diamante l-a facut chiar sa renunte la propria locuinta, plecand in cautarea pietrelor pretioase. Dupa o vreme, o mare descoperire s-a facut... o mina de diamante... aceasta se afla chiar in adancimea pamantului pe care isi avea el livada.
Nu stiu daca e bine sau nu ... ca nu vedem comorile, ca le confundam cu altele sau ca pur si simplu nu ne intereseaza. Poate ca unii ar fi mai tristi decat sunt deja, poate ca altii vor deveni mai recunoscatori ... Depinde.
Dar nu e niciodata prea tarziu sa-ti pui ochelarii care estimeaza diamantele...
Life is so peculiar
You get so wet in the rain
You get so warm in the sunshine
It doesn't pay to complain
When I get up each morning
There's nothing to breathe but air
And when I look in the mirror
There's nothing to comb but hair
And when I sit down to breakfast
There's nothing to eat but food
Life is so peculiar but you can't stay home and brood
Oh life is so peculiar
The deserts only got sand
The oceans only got water
(and you can't drink it all)
You never know where you stand
When I get out to dinner
There's nothing to wear but clothes
Whenever I get sleepy
There's nothing to do but doze
Whenever I get thirsty
There's nothing to do but drink
Life is no peculiar that it makes you stop and think
Yes, life is so peculiar
A fork belongs with a knife
Corn beef is lost without cabbage
A husband should have a wife
Life is so peculiar but, as everybody says, "That's life"
Oh life is so peculiar
A bird can usually sing
A pearl is made by an oyster
You can be sure of a thing
Well when I get tired of resting
There's nothing to do but walk
When I don't care to listen
There's nothing to do but talk
When I'm up in an airplane
There's nothing to do but fly
Life is so peculiar but I always wonder why
Let me in
Acum 9 ani